Having grown up in a military family, Marc Hanson’s youth was spent on the move. After his father’s retirement from the Air Force, Marc’s family settled in the small northern California community of Loomis. After college, Marc moved to Minnesota where he lived for 33 years while raising a family and pursuing his art. Marc has recently lived in Colorado and Mississippi before settling down on Tybee Island, GA. This amazing catalog of place has informed and inspired his work.
Of his work, Marc says,“I have pursued a career as a painter for many years now. Along the way my methods, materials and focus have evolved. A naturalist at heart, the landscape is the perfect vehicle for expressing the joy I have for the world that surrounds me. My real interest and challenge as a painter is how to best manipulate the core principles of painting into effective visual statements. I’m most successful when I’m able to communicate that joy to the viewers of my paintings.”